Special edition newsletter

INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR - Inspirational spaces give birth to good ideas


Lindstrom tracks and mats - harmony of aesthetics and functionality for your space

(Photo: Lindstrom d.o.o.)
Have you ever stepped into an office space without even noticing the tracks or the floor mat? It certainly is, if they are monotonous, uninspiring, almost identical to all the others. Thus, the opportunity to create the first positive impression and experience of the space is lost already upon entering.

Lindstrom tracks and mats strive to seize this opportunity and make sure that entering your space is a step into a warm welcoming atmosphere where hygiene and safety are at an optimal level. That is why Lindstrom is the right choice for those who are aware of the importance of the aesthetic appeal of the floors and their integration into the rest of the interior, but also with the awareness of the importance of all functionalities, which makes the quality of tracks and mats as important, if not more important, than the appearance itself.

(Photo: Lindstrom d.o.o.)
What is characteristic of our decorative tracks and mats is that we adjust them so that they are personalized just for you - from choosing the appropriate shape, to the unique design, to the size of the tracks and mats, we come to the best solution through teamwork and create your personal stamp. Our professional designers enable the implementation of logos, promotional messages and photos as desired, and this creation of consistent branding and a perfectly blended interior will undoubtedly leave an impression on the clients who visit you.

To make it easier to make a decision in a wide range of colors, patterns and shapes, you can play with our LiveDesign app, with which you check how a particular choice fits into your interior and virtually try out what arrangement suits you, saving time and money on unsuccessful attempts in reality.

Of course, it`s not always all about the attractive appearance - that`s why we create Lindstrom high-tech ergonomic tracks with the comfort of our clients in mind from industries where employees spend most of their working time in a standing position. These tracks reduce pressure on the back and joints, helping staff to maintain a natural standing posture, thereby reducing worker fatigue and increasing productivity.

ergonomic track (Photo: Lindstrom d.o.o.)ergonomic track
In addition to comfort, they also ensure safety thanks to the stability of the rubber base and the surface structure that prevents slipping and protects employees from tripping.

Aware that in some cases simplicity and practicality are the most suitable choice, we also offer standard tracks and mats in dark gray. Specially designed to retain dust, sand, mud and dirt, Lindstrom runners and mats extend the neat appearance and cleanliness of your premises. The most effective solution for this purpose is to place our rubber mats in front of the front door, thus protecting the space from the entry of dirt and slipping in all weather conditions, while saving on floor cleaning services.

(Photo: Lindstrom d.o.o.)
Satisfied clients from various industries, including healthcare facilities, banks, restaurants, coffee shops, hair salons, beauty salons, pharmacies, office buildings, shopping centers, supermarkets and other small retail establishments, are authentic confirmations of the success of our partnerships.

designed track (Photo: Lindstrom d.o.o.)designed track
Whether your priority is to show a refined taste for overall interior design and make your space more pleasant and attractive, to ensure the comfort and safety of your employees, or to keep your space clean and tidy for as long as possible, we will meet your needs quickly and efficiently.

- Through the complete service we provide, we strive to provide our clients with a working atmosphere in which they can dedicate themselves to their work without interruption. We undertake all obligations related to the logistics of our services for the sake of the ultimate goal - client satisfaction and successful partnerships - says the director of Lindstrom Serbia, Ivana Djokovic.

Working with us gives you one of the most valued benefits in today`s fast-paced world filled with obligations and inflation - taking one worry off your to-do list entirely. You don`t have to think about anything - our rental, delivery and pick-up services are an environmentally (and economically) acceptable solution that gives you the opportunity to save capital, time and mental energy, while ensuring quality, cleanliness and safety, as well as an attractive appearance of floors with tastefully blended into the rest of the interior, which does not go unnoticed.