Stjepan Kumric, CEO at Fabrika Cementa Lukavac – Being a Leader and a Manager at the Same Time is a Skill it Takes Years to Learn

Source: eKapija Tuesday, 14.12.2021. 11:39
Stjepan Kumric (Photo: Muamer Latifagić - Foto Muđi)Stjepan Kumric
In the whole process of privatization and economic transition which started around 25 years ago, only a few companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina have managed to preserve a good basis and continue the business operations. One of them is Fabrika Cementa Lukavac (FCL), which is now synonymous with work efficiency, good business results, business innovations, but also its social engagement, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

That is why, in this interview, the head of FCL, Stjepan Kumric, says that the image that has been built for years is the result of the work of all the employees, who have a vision and who have managed to create one of the most modern factories, not just in the region, but in Europe as well.

Kumric reveals for eKapija which challenges he faces as a CEO, what is crucial for doing business during global crises and what the further development plans are.

eKapija: Two decades after the privatization, Fabrika Cementa Lukavac is one of the most successful companies in BiH today. How challenging has it been to go down this path of development and acquire such an image?

– Building a modern cement factory in the past twenty years in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a great challenge, but also an opportunity to show that such a development path is certainly possible. With a clear vision, adequate strategy, expert team and hard-working and motivated employees, we have managed to achieve our goals. Today, FCL is not just the most modern factory of its type in BiH, but also one of the most modern centers in Europe.

We have been carefully fostering our image for years now and we are very dedicated to that goal. Furthermore, we are building our successful business not just on good financial results, but also on a business philosophy of social responsibility toward our local community and the entire society, especially the children and the young. We invest in environmental protection, technological solutions, education, and we strive to keep up with the best European and world practices which bring evident results and progress to us all.

eKapija: What was especially demanding for you when you came to the head of FCL? Which goals did you set for yourself?

– I started working at FCL in 2006 as the executive director for sales, and in 2012 I became a member of the company’s Management. When I was appointed CEO in 2018, there were not many things that were unfamiliar to me. I kept working, focusing on the further growth and development of the factory. My goals are to implement modern technologies, have quality products and satisfied customers and to continuously improve environmental protection. It is especially important to constantly increase the use of alternative fuels in our production process. One of my priorities is certainly to continue the activities toward the initiative for an ecologically acceptable storage and management of waste in BiH.

eKapija: Are the results what qualify a good manager? In your opinion, what else makes a person a good manager and leader?

– Achieving the set goals is certainly important for someone to be a good manager, but there are many other things as well which qualify someone as a good manager and leader. Because, being a leader and a manager at the same time is a skill that takes years to learn and I believe that this combination is the best one for a company. A successful manager should also be a leader. They must set goals and measures, be analytical, know people, their capabilities and interests and be the launcher of initiatives, able to react on time to unforeseen situations.

eKapija: As the head of FCL, you have also had to deal with the pandemic. How are you coping with its impact and have you had to change the operating plans and goals?

– The pandemic has had a strong impact on us all. It has changed a lot in every sense worldwide. I believe, however, that the most important thing is that we are all healthy and that we have so far managed the health protection of our employees quite well. As for the plans and goals at FCL, we acted quickly and adapted to the situation. It is not always simple, but the readiness and the efforts of us all were immeasurable, so our production never stopped. Despite the corona-crisis, we have realized several important projects and we are altogether satisfied with our operations.

eKapija: What does one need to pay special attention to in doing business during global crises? What are your experiences and what is your advice to managers?

– We need to keep a positive attitude and not let any crisis bring us down, because every crisis is also a challenge. Until 2020, we did not think about working from home, digitalization in various fields, new technologies. It is important to think about the future, seek new solutions, invest in science, young people, their education and professional development. We need to think about environmental protection and consistently realize the plans and programs for the preservation of our planet.

eKapija: Have there been any difficult decisions that you have had to make so far? What is your orientation when important decisions need to be made?

– Making decisions is never simple, but as a manager, that is my task, and I believe that the most important thing is to deliberate rationally. For all decisions, it is important to have verified information, be analytical and have professional and competent associations with whom you can decide on the strategy and the goals of the company.

eKapija: Which results and successes of FCL are you especially proud of?

– It is especially important that, in this difficult time marked by the pandemic, we have managed to preserve the production, keep all the jobs and employ new workers. We have achieved that the sale our products is in line with our plans and that our Lukavac Beton is strongly developing the production and sale of concrete. Another great success is the international conference “Green Energy from Waste with CO2 Reduction”, which we organized in October and which truly initiated positive changes in this field in BiH.

eKapija: What important projects are you announcing for next year? Will the focus be on ecological investments?

– For the beginning of next year, we are preparing a large ecological project which we intend to realize in ten cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Municipality of Lukavac and environmental associations.

eKapija: How do you see the development of FCL in the upcoming years? Which goals lie ahead of your team?

– In the upcoming years, we want FCL to keep being the most modern cement factory, because our investments will be directed toward new and innovative technologies. Our priorities are also to increase energy efficiency and to use alternative fuels as much as possible. Our aim is to create new values, to be a socially responsible and proactive company and to meet the obligations of sustainable development in line with Agenda 2030. The most important thing is to have satisfied customers, partners, local community and employees, because then we can achieve everything.

Teodora Brnjos

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