Italians sign contracts on land purchase in Subotica - jobs for 200 people

Source: Tanjug Friday, 17.05.2013. 12:02

"Mali Bajmok""Mali Bajmok"

Mayor of Subotica, Modest Dulic, has signed today with two Italian companies agreements on sales of land in the Industrial Zone Mali Bajmok. Thus, Subotica will get two investors who will employ over 200 workers while the budget of the town will increase by some EUR 300.000.

The contract has been signed within the auction process by the end of March where Perseo and G.C. 013 obtained the right to purchase two lots occupying 30.000 m2.

"Perseo" bought a lot of 24.300 for EUR 243.557,25. Pakerson, a renowned Italian shoe producer is behind this company. They have existed since 1923 and for the last nine years they operate in Subotica as Leonardo where they employ 160 people.

As Antionio Brotini, director of Persea, said after signing the contract, they are planning to build a plant next year as well as to hire first 50 staff. The number should increase to 200 by the end 2015.

Newly- found G.C. 013 company, with an Italian 30 year old luxury goods producer – Givi, is behind, bought a lot of 5.300 m2 at EUR 58.411,5 ".

As Jakomo Corsi, a manager of the company said to journalists, bu the end of 2013, they are planning to finish design of the production section which should start operations in 2014. They are planning to hire 50 female staff.

- Subotica has a long tradition of leather production. Seeing the success of Leonardo, I decided to try something similar, in smaller scope. We are planning to develop luxurious leather clothes line - Corsi said.

Mayor Dulic said that Subotica has multiple benefits out of these investments which is EUR 300.000 increase in budget, new hires and tax incomes.

Today, these contracts represent sales of land via public auctions, i.e. bidding in this industrial zone where Dunkermotoren, Norma Grupa, ContiTech fluid Serbia,"Calzedonia and Swarovski have already been running production or planning their sections for initial operations.

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