'Danieli' (doesn't) give up on investment in Serbia?

Source: Tanjug Wednesday, 06.06.2012. 17:11

Democratic Party leader and candidate for Prime Minister, Boris Tadic, said today that after the elections, the Italian companies for production of steel and precision mechaniques "Danieli" and "Baldieri", postponed their investment in Serbia until further notice, which is according to him a very bad news for our country.

Tadic recalled that the two companies signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the intention to sign binding agreements on investment in June, which would provide many new jobs and export of more than one billion euros per year.

Asked whether "Danieli" completely withdraw from the investment, Tadic said that in the coming days, he would discuss it with the President of the Company, but that 'Danieli's purchase of 'Sisak Steel Factory' in Croatia two days ago was not a good news.

-"Danieli" has made an investment in Croatia. This is not good news for us, and that is exactly what happened after these elections. Each company takes care of its interests and all potential investors are looking at what will be the results of formation of the new Serbian government - said Tadic, adding that depending on the results, and question whether the government will go in one direction or another, depends whether they will come to Serbia.

Tadic added that he would continue to fight for these investments and that for these reason it was important to form the government as soon as possible.

Meanwhile Economy Minister Nebojsa Ciric told BETA agency that he expected that the Italian "Danieli" would come to Serbia and conduct the investment in the construction of steel factory in Serbia.

- Despite the possible disturbance, which is signalized by other investors as well, due to the unexpected outcome of the presidential elections in Serbia, I expect that the final status of the project would be confirmed and defined by the end of June and that the investment would be conducted despite the very specific situation in the steel market - said Ciric.

According to him, the Ministry representatives and the Government and Serbia are in constant contact with representatives of the group "Danieli" in order to carefully analyze the political situation in Serbia.

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