Cooper Tires wants to work with local companies

Source: Tanjug Friday, 09.03.2012. 11:16

Representatives of the US company Cooper Tires, which has recently acquired Krusevac-based tire factory (FAG), part of Trayal Corporation, held a meeting Thursday with the city management, with the aim of boosting the company's cooperation with local companies.

Cooper Tires Vice President Julian Baldwin said that Cooper Tires wanted to find partners among local suppliers to enable them to appear in a foreign market in that way.

He added that that company had already bought a part of Trayal Corporation with an ambition to increase the number of employees in the foreseeable future and invest in the development of the factory, which was an integral part of an international company with high credibility.

Krusevac Deputy Mayor Radoica Milosavljevic said that the city representatives would urgently deliver a list of businessmen, potential and current partners of Cooper Tires, with all relevant business indicators, as well as that the local self-government would provide all kinds of support.

They agreed to organize a new meeting soon, which should be attended by local businessmen in addition to representatives of the city management and the US company.

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