Sour cherries bring income of nearly EUR 59 million

Source: AGROpress Wednesday, 26.06.2024. 13:37
According to the latest data of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, in 2023, Serbia achieved a considerable success when it came to the export of sour cherries. Last year, Serbia exported 42,600 tons of sour cherries, worth a total of EUR 58.8 million, whereby it confirmed its status as one of the key exporters of that fruit in Europe. The biggest purchasers of fresh sour cherries from Serbia were Austria, Italy, Hungary, Germany and Croatia, whereas Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian Federation were the dominant ones among the countries outside the European Union.

A total of 3,320,546 kg, that is, 3,321 tons of fresh sour cherries was exported, whose value amounted to EUR 7,662,000. When it came to frozen sour cherries, Serbia exported 32,543 tons worth EUR 45,149,000. The import was considerably lower, with only 2,017 tons of sour cherries of various categories, worth EUR 2,932,000.

It's interesting to see the data for the first quarter of 2024, when Serbia exported 11,504 tons of sour cherries, worth EUR 17.8 million, whereas the import amounted to only 273 tons, worth EUR 402,000. Among the most significant purchasers of frozen cherries are the Russian Federation, where 4,742 tons was exported, Germany with 2,330 tons and France with 1,167 tons of frozen sour cherries. When it comes to fresh sour cherries, a total of 40 tons was exported, all of it to Germany.

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