What does the reconstruction of the Paracin-Trupale railroad envisage?

Source: eKapija Monday, 17.06.2024. 12:49
Illustration (Photo: Ben Garratt/Unsplash)Illustration
The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the reconstruction of the 61-km railroad from Belgrade Center to Nis, that is, section three, Paracin-Trupale (without the Stalac-Djunis section, which is not part of the study) is available to the public. The study lists what the reconstruction project entails.

The route of the planned two-track railroad begins at the Paracin passenger station and ends at the Trupale station.

The plan is for the highest category of international passenger trains to travel at a speed of up to 200 km/h, whereas other passenger trains will operate at speeds below 200 km/h, depending on the train category. The project speed, both for passenger and cargo trains, is 100 km/h at the junctions.

Said railroad consists of several sections, which can be divided into:

– the two-track section Paracin-Stalac, 22 km long;
– the two-track section Djunis-Trupale, 39 km long.

At the stations which are to be reconstructed, care was taken for the existing buildings, which will be retained. The modernization project entails the reconstruction of the existing stations and stops and their adaptation to European rail standards.
(Photo: Print screen / ESIA)

On the Paracin-Trupale section, there are nine stations – Paracin, Cicevac, Korman, Adrovac, Aleksinac, Luzane, Grejac, Mezgraja and Trupale.

The Adrovac station is to become a cargo point supervised by the Aleksinac station, open just for cargo activities. The services of this official point would be done from the Aleksinac station. Luzane and Mezgraja have the main tasks related to the reception and dispatching of passengers within the local passenger services. In addition to the main two through tracks, two arrival-departure tracks should be planned for suburban trains.

On the section from Paracin to Trupale, there are three bridges longer than 100 m, and the railroad has 22 smaller bridges, two large bridges and viaducts and 100 culverts. At the moment, the precise locations of the bridges for the railroad are not known at this stage of project development.

The exact location and the number of underpasses, overpasses and culverts will determine the activities that are carried out and they pertain to the hydrology study, geological explorations and geotechnical studies.

It is necessary to carry out the reconstruction and modernization of the existing electric traction stations and the facilities for the sectioning located on this section. The project also envisages the installation of equipment and software or a temporary center for remote control for fixed electric traction installations.

Substations (25/0.23 kV) powered by the overhead network are planned as well, with the power: 5 kVA, 50 kVA and 100 kVA.

The Belgrade-Nis rail route is one of the most important corridors in the Republic of Serbia and plays an important role in the whole concept of the development of the transport system. It is part of the SEETO Corridor X and connects Central and Western Europe with Greece, Turkey and the Middle East and is also part of the indicative expansion of the Basic TEN-T rail network in the Western Balkans.
The project is realized by SUEZ Consulting (SAFEGE) in a consortium with EGIS, EPEM and KPMG. The beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of Serbia, whereas the public enterprise Serbian Railways Infrastructure is the end-user.

A. K.

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