8th Forum of Advanced Technologies TechFusion

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 05.06.2024. 14:45
Illustration (Photo: Gerd Altmann/ Pixabay)Illustration
The 8th Forum of Advanced Technologies – TechFusion will be held on June 12-13 at the Science-Technology Park Nis. The event is focused on the latest events regarding Industry 4.0 and the accompanying topics, announced the STP Nis.

The press release says that over 70 prominent speakers will gather at the Forum of Advanced Technologies, which encompasses a whole range of events: 4 fireside chats, 8 practical workshops, 11 panels, 15 keynote sessions and the Podcast Corner.

The aim of this year’s Forum is to opening a discussion about the latest trends and challenges in fields such as artificial intelligence, information-communications technologies, autonomous vehicles, sport tech, web3 and blockchain.

The detailed agenda can be seen here.

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