In Serbia, 75.6% companies have websites

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 05.06.2024. 15:35
Illustration (Photo: RNIDS)Illustration
The just published survey of the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS) has provided an insight into the use of digital technologies in companies which operate in Serbia.

The results show that 75.6% of the companies in Serbia have a website, whereby the percentage increases with the length of the operations of a company. The biggest presence of websites is in the sectors of production (83.5%) and commerce (80%), whereas, in the service sector, there are as many as 30.21% of companies without a website.

Thanks to the simplicity of use and the availability of the platforms, social networks have become the main channel of communication for companies of all sizes, from entrepreneurs (89.29%) to big companies (70.59%), but websites remain the foundation of a business online presence. They also serve as the central online location for the display of products and services, the provision of the contact information and the building of the company’s reputation.

A majority of the companies (69.8%) use the .rs domain for their websites, whereas 25.6% use the generic .com domain. This choice is mostly motivated by geographic and marketing reasons.

This report provides an in-depth insight into the current level of the digitization of companies, pointing to considerable differences in the degree of accepting digital technologies between various sectors, as well as companies of different sizes and ages. The findings emphasize the importance of websites, email and social media in modern business practices and lead to the conclusion that it is necessary to establish a balance between all the communication channels in order to maximize the results of the online business presence.

Download the brochure: The Use of Digital Technologies in Business

RNIDS Beograd RNIDS Beograd
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