Average salary in Stari Grad exceeds EUR 1,500, Novi Sad getting closer to EUR 1,000, Vranjska Banja characterized by poverty

Source: eKapija Sunday, 26.05.2024. 11:17
Illustration (Photo: Shutterstock/librakv)Illustration
Average gross salaries and wages calculated for March 2024 amounted to RSD 133,373, while average net salaries and wages amounted to RSD 96,913, announced the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

Increase of gross salaries and wages, in the period January-March 2024, relative to the same period last year amounted to 15% in nominal terms, i.e. 8.8% in real terms, while average net salaries and wages increased by 14.9% in nominal terms and by 8.7% in real terms.

Compared with the same month last year, average gross salaries and wages for March 2024 increased by 13.3% in nominal terms and by 7.9% in real terms, while average net salaries and wages increased by 13.4% in nominal terms and by 8% in real terms.

The highest average salaries, as usual, are paid in the central Belgrade municipality of Stari Grad (RSD 176,499, or EUR 1,507). Novi Sad has gotten closer to an average salary of EUR 1,000 (RSD 116,695).

Vranjska Banja, a tourism place along Corridor 10 (without a direct turn), is at the bottom of the list, with an average of RSD 63,779.

Median net salaries and wages for March 2024 amounted to RSD 72,979, meaning that 50% of employees realized wages and salaries up to the mentioned amount.

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