Who is Adrijana Mesarovic, new minister of economy?

Source: Blic Tuesday, 07.05.2024. 11:47
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The new Government of Serbia has been elected, and among the ministers to run the economic policy of the country is a new name. The new minister of economy is Adrijana Mesarovic. Until now, she was the member of the city council of Novi Sad in charge of the budget, finances and investments.

According to her official biography, she was born in Novi Sad in 1981, where she still lives and works. She finished her elementary, secondary and university education in her native city, Novi Sad. As a Master of Economics, she has dedicated her professional orientation to working in banking, finance, accounting, tax policy, economics, financial restructuring and consolidation of operations in companies with private capital and public companies.

As a high school student in Novi Sad, Adrijana Mesarovic graduated from a school in Southampton, Great Britain, in parallel. She completed several specialized training courses for the highest-level expertise in informatics.

Upon completing her studies, Adrijana Mesarovic started her professional career in the family company, where she spent two years. Following that, she worked for a year in the marketing sector of a foreign company.

She started her ten-year career in the banking sector in 2008.

Adrijana Mesarovic has years of experience in working on the financial consolidation of companies. She also has great experience in the field of preparing business, investment and operating plans and plans of financial consolidation of companies.

She has a two-year experience in preparing reports for economic-financial evaluation for the purposes of court procedures at commercial and basic courts and other procedures of mediation and debtor-creditor settlements.

In 2014, she was part of the Work Group of the City of Novi Sad which worked on expert jobs of the adaptation and financial consolidation of several of the city’s public utility enterprises.

In 2018, Adrijana Mesarovic was appointed assistant mayor of Novi Sad.

During slightly under 15 years of her work experience in both the private and banking sectors and the public sector of the City of Novi Sad, she has acquired considerable experience in economics and finance, as well as in the procedures necessary for the realization of the most important projects within which the most significant share belongs to international projects.

zgrada Ministarstva finansija i Ministarstva privrede Republike Srbije
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