Aerodromi Srbije Open Tender for Expert Supervision for Telecommunications Equipment and Systems for New Nis Airport Building

Source: eKapija Monday, 08.04.2024. 10:20
(Photo: Aerodromi Srbije)
Aerodromi Srbije (Airports of Serbia) has opened the public procurement procedure for expert supervision for the telecommunications equipment and systems for the new building of the Nis Constantine the Great Airport.

– The subject of the public procurement procedure is the execution of expert supervision for the telecommunications equipment systems for the new building of the Nis Constantine the Great Airport, for which the procuring entity has signed an agreement, so supervision over the delivery, implementation, works, as well as the connection and integration of the system, need to be secured. Supervision needs to be done for the duration of the entire process of establishing telecommunications equipment and systems for the new building of the Constantine the Great Airport, as well as during the handing over, in all aspects according to the valid regulations which regulate this field – the documentation emphasizes.

As reminded, due to the constant growth of the number of passengers at this airport, Aerodromi Srbije has started the modernization, expansion and improvement of said airport. In the process of the modernization, expansion and improvement of the airport complex, the construction of a new terminal building is agreed.

– As one part of the terminal building is nearly fully built, its technical and technological equipping has been agreed, so that it would be put into operation. The execution of the works should be done technologically, in phases, so that it doesn’t affect the functionality of the airport – the documentation emphasizes.

As added, the deadline for the execution of the selected bidder’s obligations under the contract, which are the subject of the public procurement procedure, starts expiring on the date the signed agreement comes into effect. The deadline for the realization of all the obligations of the selected bidder for the systems on which this service is being performed is not to be longer than 240 days from the signing of the agreement, the documentation clarifies.

Bids may be submitted by April 17.

More details (in Serbian) can be found HERE.

Let us remind that, recently, those in charge said that the plan was for the passengers to set off from the newly raised building with terminals at the Nis Airport on July 1.

Aerodrom Konstantin Veliki u Nišu
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