How can we use digitization and change the game in the region?

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 15.11.2023. 23:02
The Western Balkans, as the area in which Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska) are, is lagging behind the European Union countries when it comes to digital transformation. Namely, according to the DESI (Digital Economy Society Index) report, only 35% of citizens from our area possessed at least basic digital skills in 2021, while in the EU that average was almost 54%.

However, 4G network coverage in the region reached almost 96% two years ago, which is close to the percentage of coverage in the EU, but is lagging behind in terms of 5G network development.

Nevertheless, the potential in this area is huge - we are working on digitization and digital transformation, improving the digital economy, and supporting technological innovations. This is precisely the basis for the improvement of cooperation between the countries of the region, in order to facilitate the flow of information, people and resources.

Also, it is important to work on education and raising awareness among citizens, the business sector and public institutions, in order to promote digital transformation within the society.

That is why eKapija`s new Special Edition Newsletter entitled “Digital Transformation – Smart Game-Changing Solutions” wants to provide the answer to the question “How far have we come so far?” We talked to those who are in the center of events, who are the creators of a new reality, who contribute to making the world a smarter and simpler place with their solutions and ideas.

Productivity and profit should not be hampered by complicated processes and obsolete technology. Investments in innovations and improving the experience of the users and clients are certainly fields in which digitization plays a role and something to strive for.

We will present good examples, give numerous useful pieces of advice and solutions, so that we would use the moment we live and work in as well as possible, all together.
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