Number of German Companies in Serbia Growing – Over 80,000 Workers Employed in Them

Source: eKapija Sunday, 03.09.2023. 11:28
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The minister of labor, employment, veteran and social policy of Serbia, Nikola Selakovic, and the parliamentary state secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Anette Kramme, agreed that the relevant ministries of the two countries had a long-standing partnership cooperation, the Government of Serbia announced.

At the meeting, at which the partnership relations between the two countries were confirmed, Selakovic pointed to the fact that, with every year, the number of German companies in Serbia grew, employing over 80,000 workers at that moment.

The minister reminded that Serbia had realized positive economic results in the time of the coronavirus pandemic and the complex security situation in Europe, thanks to the responsible financial policy and measures of the Government of Serbia.

Selakovic and Kramme emphasized that the process of Serbia’s accession to the European Union was the most important field of cooperation, in which Germany’s support was of great significance.

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