Beogradske Elektrane to Provide Cooling for the First Time – Facility for a Whole New Service to Be Built Within National Stadium and EXPO Center Complex in Surcin

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 05.07.2023. 12:28
(Photo: Siniša Mali/ Instagram)
The PUE Beogradske Elektrane (Belgrade Power Plants) has published the tender for the preparation of project-technical documentation for the construction of a tri-generation facility in the area covered by the Spatial Plan of the Special-Purpose Area for the National Stadium.

This pertains to the documentation for the construction of the future complex of the Heating Source (HS) Surcinsko Polje, which is planned as a facility for supplying heating and cooling energy to the facilities of the national stadium and the EXPO center in Surcin.

A co-generation/tri-generation facility for the production of heating/cooling/electrical energy based on natural gas as the main energy source should be installed at the complex.

The required heating energy is 15 MW for the heating and 1.1 MW for the preparation of hot water for consumption, whereas the required cooling energy is 30 MW.

The heating source complex is planned to feature a facility for the production of heating energy (a boiler room with a co-generation facility), the facility for the production of cooling energy (compression cooling facility), side facilities and infrastructure in the complex, as well as an inter-facility pipelines (a heating pipeline from the HS Surcinsko Polje to the heating substations in facilities and a cooling pipeline from the HS Surcinsko Polje to the pumping-exchange station of cooling energy in EXPO center).

The future facility should enable the supply of heating and cooling energy for the newly planned EXPO center and secure the conditions for a future phase-based extension of the production capacities for supplying new consumers.

All options should consider accumulation tanks for heating and cooling energy in peak consumption periods.

Bids may be sent by August 3.

Let us remind that, recently, Beogradske Elektrane, after the tendering procedure was carried out, awarded the job of the preparation of a preliminary feasibility study with a general project for the construction of the co-generation/tri-generation facility in the area covered by the Spatial Plan of the Special-Purpose Area for the National Stadium to a group of bidders, consisting of PEM, Termoenergo Inzenjering and Petrol Projekt. The value of the agreement is USD 18.9 million without the VAT.

With the construction of this facility, Beogradske Elektrane will get the opportunity to start providing a new service, the production and distribution of cooling energy, which is one of the goals in the development strategy of this company, as a possibility of the most developed central heating and cooling systems in Europe and the world.

I. Z.

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