CarGo Keeps On Riding: App Bought by DNP Go Technologies

Source: N1 Wednesday, 16.11.2022. 15:33
Illustration (Photo: Pixabay/DariuszSankowski)Illustration
Vuk Guberinic, until now the director of the company CarGo Technologies doo, the company behind the CarGo ride-hailing app, has resigned from this position. The app, as he himself confirmed in a statement on social media, has been sold to another owner. Among other things, Guberinic said that not enough money had been left over from the sale to pay all the penalties imposed on his company. The company which now owns the CarGo app confirmed for the N1 portal that the app would continue operating, and that the details would be known in the upcoming period.

From November 1, Vuk Guberinic is no longer heading CarGo Technologies doo Beograde, as he himself confirmed in an announcement on his Facebook profile.

The app has been sold to the software company DNP Go Technologies.

As the company confirmed for N1, the CarGo app has changed ownership, but will continue to exist and operate.

– More details will be known soon – was DNP Go Technologies’ short reply.

Guberinic wrote on his Facebook profile about the details of the operations up to that point, but also the obstacles he had encountered, and said, among other things, that “not just the entrepreneurial endeavor and project have been suffocated, but also the entrepreneurial spirit itself, which has been turned into – debt”.

– Dear friends and those who call themselves that, I want to notify everybody officially as well that my role (as well as my title) of the director at the company CarGo Technologies officially ceased on November 1, 2022, after seven and a half years! This is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one for me personally. Many of you are witnesses to the success that the company achieved, but not the details of its downfall, which is not a result of bad business, quite the contrary, and unfortunately, as is often the case in Serbia, good things either don’t survive or survive in another form that they get due to both internal and external factors that affect the survival – Guberinic says.

Survival, he adds, has been the goal in the past four years.

– And the CarGo app has found a way, but unfortunately, that had not been the case with me and my company, which seems to have been doomed to fail from the very beginning, so bankruptcy proceedings are now certain – he said.

Guberinic cited the data about the business operations in the past period.

As he pointed out, the CarGo app has over 1.5 million registered users and around 300,000 payers.

Over 10 million online transactions have been made. Over EUR 50 million in gross income has been realized, he says. CarGo has over 3,000 partners-associates.

Guberinic says that over EUR 5 million has been paid in “various taxes”. Over a million euros has been spent on penalties, he says and quips – “guilty until proven innocent”.

He says that there have been over 50 court procedures and that there have been two million kilometers traveled using electric vehicles.

He adds that the CarGo app has been sold to another company and that it continues its life, N1 reports.

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