Another division of the Japanese company, Nidec Elesys Corporation, is coming to Novi Sad

Source: eKapija Thursday, 09.09.2021. 12:49
Delegation of the company Nidec, led by the vice president of this Japanese giant and the appointed first man for Europe, Takashi Furuhashi, visited Novi Sad. At the meeting with the local authorities, they discussed the task schedule regarding the completion of that company's capital investment, Mayor of Novi Sad, Milos Vucevic, announced and added that he was assured that everything was going according to plan.

- Soon, one of the world's most modern electric motor companies will start its production in Novi Sad. I was also pleased with the news that another division of Nidec, Nidec Elesys Corporation, is coming, and this will bring about the positive change we will feel in the decades ahead - announced Vucevic on his official Instagram profile.

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