wpd Adria Presents Projects of Construction of Four Large Wind Farms in Glamoc, Livno and Bosansko Grahovo

Source: eKapija Thursday, 11.02.2021. 10:43
(Photo: ekapija.com)
Representatives of the company wpd Adria from Dubrovnik presented the propositions and projects for the construction of future wind farms to the prime minister of Canton 10 (Herzeg-Bosnia County), Ivan Vukadin, on Tuesday, February 9. These are the Kruzi Wind Farm and the Vaganj Wind Farm in the territory of Livno, with a total installed power of 810 MW, the Glamoc Wind Farm in the eponymous municipality, with a total installed power of 138 MW, and the Marino Brdo Wind Farm in the territory of the Municipality of Bosansko Grahovo, with a total installed power of 126 MW.

Vukadin welcomed the future investments in Canton 10 and emphasized the he, as the prime minister, along with the competent ministries, would do everything within his power and area of competence to facilitate the processes or remove the administrative barriers that stand in the way of the realization of the wind farm projects in Canton 10.

Let us remind that eKapija reported on the intention of wpd Adria to make these investments in May 2019, when the plans were presented at the ENERGA fair in Sarajevo. They told eKapija at the time that the integrated system of wind farms in the territory of Livno, Grahovo and Glamoc would cost EUR 1.5 billion.
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