Visaris, first Serbian manufacturer of digital X-ray machines, conquers the markets of East Europe and Near East

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 24.03.2010. 15:55

One of ten manufacturers of digital X-ray machines in the world is situated in Belgrade. Serbian Visaris, which started working on development of contemporary technological solutions in the area of radiographic diagnostics in 2003, is now standing shoulder to shoulder with companies Siemens, Philips and Shimadzu. The team of Visaris has managed to design digital X-ray machines whose quality and performances put them in the category of the world's top brands, but their prices are significantly lower than those of the competition.

One of the three biggest projects that were simultaneously implemented within the framework of development of the family of digital radiographic systems is Vision C, for which Visaris won the 2010 Aurea award for the best investment in 2009. The investment in development of the Vision family (Vision C, Vision U and Vision X) amounted to about 2m EUR, while Vision C system alone cost nearly 1.6m EUR.

Business web portal eKapija has recognized the quality of this product. By applying series of new technological solutions developed in Visaris, the company made the universal digital X-ray machine for general radiography, with direct image digitization and ceiling syspension system for all kinds of screening of patients in lying, standing or sitting position.

Vesna Perić, SIEPA's Director, hands the award to Nikola GolovićVesna Perić, SIEPA's Director, hands the award to Nikola Golović

Besides, Vision C has modernized the work of radiology wards and enabled transfer from paper and film to fully electronic operations with digital shots, while the time taken by the process is cut by nearly 50% (since film does not need to be developed). In the end, the emission of ionizing radiation of the digital instrument, which is 30 to 50% smaller when compared to film, has significant influence on the quality of environment, especially in medical institutions.

Visaris' digital X-ray machine makes images, while the computer software helps a doctor do the analysis and diagnostics and easily file and monitor medical condition of each patient. By means of the software for analysis of medical images, which is in Serbian language, doctors can examine every patient much easier and quicker.

Nikola Golović, the co-owner of Visaris, said that the 2010 Aurea award was the proof that contemporary technological solutions can be made in Serbia if young domestic enterprises were offered the chance and adequate support.

(Nikola Golović)

- The idea originates from 2003 when the experts from the area of medical equipment and X-ray machines gathered at one place. The four of us formed the company and made the first X-ray machine in year or two. We later improved that solution in order to be competitive to foreign manufacturers such as Siemens, Philips, and Shimadzu. We provided all necessary certificates for export - quality in accordance with ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 standards and CE sign for Vision C, which is the condition for appearance in the EU market. There is a significant need for X-ray machines in Serbia. Belgrade alone lacks about 50 of them - said Golović.

In his opinion, one of the biggest problems in radiology is the fact that X-ray machines in Belgrade are old, easy to broke and difficult to repair, so that they mainly do not satisfy even the basic standards or the needs of patients.

Although 90% of digital X-ray machines in medical institutions in Serbia are manufactured by Visaris, Aleksandar Tofilović, the International Sales Director in Visaris, points out that the company experiences more problems with the sales in local market than in foreign markets.

So far, the company has been exporting the products to Germany, while the promo campaign for conquering the markets of Turkey, Bulgaria, the Near East, Russia, Iran and Kuwait started this year.

Aleksandar TofilovićAleksandar Tofilović

- We are negotiating with our Turkish partner that is interested in servicing and distributing our instruments in that country. They have bad experience in doing business with "large" companies, while small companies are more flexible. Our software can be adapted to the user's language (Turkish, Bulgarian, English), which makes it possible for doctors to do their job easier. Turkey with 70m citizens is very significant to us - said Tofilović.

Visaris has also started negotiations with partners from Russia in order to use the advantages of the Free Trade Agreement.

- We spoke to the representatives of Russian Ministry of Health and their hospitals, but have not made some concrete results yet. We have recently hosted Bulgarian delegation that comprised the directors of health centers and mayors of the towns where these institutions are situated. The next step is our appearance at the trade fair in that country.

Being of the opinion that marketing activities are extremely important, Visaris will be present at this year's trade fair of technology in Berlin and the medical expo in Dueseldorf.

According to Teofilović, Visaris is also present in the Near East, in Dubai, Iran and Kuwait.

- These are so-called new markets that are not reserved for "big players". Instead, they are willing to cooperate with small manufacturers. We plan to exhibit our products at the trade fair in Lybia.

In spite of big ambitions for conquering foreign markets, Visaris, however, wants to position in Serbia first because, as they say, their idea is to make the "base" in our country strong, so that the partners from all around the world could have the chance to see the result of their intelligence and work in Serbian hospitals.

Visaris, which has always been creating the working environment in which the main accent is on free though, innovations and development of new technologies, continues searching for simple solutions to difficult problems in radiology diagnostics.

- We are currently working hard to improve the production of Vision C instruments and we plan to upgrade X-ray machines by the end of the year by installing dynamic flat panels on them. That actually means that doctors will be able to watch in real time how patients' organs function - Tofilović announced.


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