(Aurea 2010) NOMINEE 03: Visaris - universal digital X-ray machine Vision C

Source: eKapija Friday, 05.03.2010. 17:42

Belgrade-based company Visaris has implemented several projects during its eight-year operations in the field of digital radiology, and each of them was within the framework of current technological achievements. The Vision C project is the crown of long-time efforts in the field of modern radiology and it represents one of the three biggest projects that were ran simultaneously within the scope of development of the family of digital radiographic systems (Vision C, Vision U and Vision X). The investment in development of the Vision family amounts to about EUR 2m, nearly EUR 1.6m of which were set aside for the Vision C system.

The instrument is an improved result of the integration of contemporary technological solutions in radiographic diagnostics into an appliance that satisfies all the needs of serious radiographic diagnostics. What is the most important is that flexible systems of control on the instrument enable the users to choose by themselves an optimal compromise between efficiency and screening performances.


Visaris is the only company in Serbia that produces universal digital X-ray machine for general radiography, with direct image digitalization and ceiling suspension system - for all types of screening the patients in lying, standing or sitting position. It is ideal for bigger hospitals and institutes, and it is particularly applicable to screening traumatized and immobile patients because the stands are simple and quick to position. The whole series of latest technological solutions developed in Visaris are integrated into Vision C.

Mechanical robotic system with 10-level positioning control is designed and developed in R&D sector of Visaris. Electronic positioning and robotic hands driving system was developed during 2009 in R&D sector and it is completely manufactured in Serbia - in the production capacities of Visaris and its local partners.

Vision C enables several ways of positioning - from fully automated and programmed to manual positioning. In addition to basic functions, it also integrates an advanced safety control system with the mechanism that prevents the collision of mobile parts of the machine with the patient. Vision C also includes cutting-edge control-acquisition system whose main features are top ergonomy, multilingual interface, maximally automated imaging process (in 3 steps) and significant efficiency - it takes 3 seconds for the image to appear on the screen, 3 seconds to be filed, and 3 more seconds to be sent to the radiologist's working station. For the needs of this system, Visaris developed the system for processing and showing X-ray images.

Ever since it was founded, Visaris has been creating a working environment where the main accent is placed on free thought and development of new technologies and innovations in digital radiography. The explicit part of Visaris' vision is to constantly seek simple solutions to difficult problems in radiology diagnostics. For the majority of young engineers in the company Vision C represented the first project that made it possible for them to participate in the evolution of a product from the idea to its industrialization (this phase is still underway).

The most important result of ambitious project Vision C is, maybe, not the machine itself, but the team of capable people that is create in both Visaris and the network of its partners. When Jugorendgen collapsed, Visaris lost its main supplier and, during the last two years of work on Vision C, the network of collaborators was created and transferred the technologies of development of mechanical and electronic subsystems, which will be useful not only in medical, but also in much wider spectrum of activities.


Vision C is the machine whose presence significantly improves the efficiency and performances of radiography diagnostics in the radiology ward where it is installed. Direct contribution of the machine in that domain lies in greater imaging efficiency, the need for only one machine instead of two or even more machines (less space, installation...), as well as free 3D positioning system that eliminates the need for painful moving of the patient.

Vision C enables quick scanning of injured patients, new automated imaging techniques, etc. Aforementioned advantages are directly reflected in significant growth of the completed procedures at the departments where the machine is installed. When they know that the images they will get are of high quality, doctors rely more on radiography diagnostics than on more expensive and more dangerous 3D machines (e.g. CT scanners). Besides, the machine like Vision C represents the backbone of digital radiology since it requires no disposable material, paper or film, while the time saving of nearly 50% (as a result of absence of the need for film developing) directly affects the quality of life of the staff at those departments. Finally, the emission of ionized radiation of the digital machine, which is 30 to 50% smaller when compared to film, has significant effect on the quality of environment, especially in medical institutions.

Vision C is conceived as the leading project that will give birth to the technologies that will help Visaris cover other segments of radiology diagnostics in the future. The plan is that Vision C be the main product surrounded by a whole palette of smaller digital radiology instruments. The proof of the Vision C project sustainability is the order for six such machines that have already been placed from abroad, which will, in addition to three existing ones, significantly improve previous positive effects.

With Vision C, which was considered by many to be an impossible mission, Visaris took indirect part in the conception of several business ideas and projects in the domain of high medical technologies in Serbia - production of carbon fiber covers for X-ray machines, electro-mechanical robotic fits, X-ray stands and components for appliances, etc. At the end of its first phase, there is a significant number of companies in Serbia, Visaris' partners, that employ a number of experts in that domain. The expertness and quality of operations were confirmed in 2009 when the Visaris quality system was certified according to ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 standards and when Vision C obtained CE mark, which is the condition for appearance in the EU market.

Visaris' vision has always contained devotion to social responsibility and the wish for providing higher level of service to the user. The company installed two X-ray systems in Serbia in 2005 for free, and it has been maintaining them to the date completely free of charge. When delivering its commercial installations to several health centers, Visaris has also donated certain products (PACS archive) to them in order to make it possible for the users to improve their operations and organization of radiology wards, as well as to use the potentials of digital technology to the maximum.


The Vision C project proved to domestic and international public that it is possible to buy a top-performance digital radiographic machine in Serbia at an acceptable price. So far, three such machines have been installed, while another six will be soon delivered to various institutions abroad.

The CE mark that was granted last year created the opportunity for sale of the machine in major part of the world. The real capacity of the potential markets for this machine, such as Russia, East Europe, Turkey, South and North Africa, the Near East, is approximately 1 machine a year per 2m citizens, which means from few tens to few hundreds of machines when the markets are completely covered by the networks of representatives and resellers.

The initial encounter with this project's competition, which includes the world's eminent manufacturers such as Siemens (Aristos FX), Kodak (Directview 9000), Philips (Multidiagnost), already took place in the period 2006-2009, and it resulted in the fact that Visaris signed contracts on delivery of 9 Vision C machines, while the competition failed to sell any of directly competitive machines. The chances for repeating such success in international market are quite small, but it represents an indication of the advantage over competition and the proof of Visaris' capability to be, truly, "one of the best" in the global market. Ongoing expansion of international network of vendors will enable export of Visaris' products, including Vision C, to larger number of countries and, thus, ensure the company's future.

Digital radiology does not represent the latest medical technology. It is one of the basic diagnostic tools worldwide. The Vision C project integrated all the best features with a number of innovations into the product itself. There are several unique characteristics of the Vision C system, which makes it possible for some future projects to be based on Vision C.

Since it is a completely domestic product, the price of the Vision C system in the production process is very competitive because it is few tens of thousands of euros lower than the prices of competitive machines. In addition, the user gets absolutely all functional and technical characteristics.

Although young when compared to the competition, company Visaris managed to become recognized in a very short time as a manufacturer of serious radiology instruments in both Serbia and abroad. The customer support is available 24 hours a day. In that way, the user feels secure at any moment. Prior to 2010, Visaris had over 30 successfully implemented commercial installations, which made it the leader in digital radiology on the territory of Serbia.

The Vision C project will provide the framework for growth of Visaris, which will be based, just like before, on innovations and original ideas. Thanks to the development of Vision C, new projects are in the pipeline already for this year, the base for which is provided by the Vision C project.

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