Government of Serbia bans entrance and movement of foreign citizens from another seven countries

Source: eKapija Sunday, 15.03.2020. 14:22
(Photo: Kichigin/
The Government of Serbia has amended the decision on pronouncing COVID 19 an infectious disease and implemented the measure of mandatory medical supervision and home isolation of 14 days for all citizens of Serbia coming from the countries designated as the epidemic hotspots.

The Government of Serbia has therefore temporarily banned the entrance of foreign residents coming from the areas designated as the epidemic hotspots, regardless of the citizenship or the country which issued their travel papers, the government says in a press release.

The measures pertain to foreign residents coming from France, Germany, Slovenia, Austria, Spain, Greece and Switzerland.

The temporary ban of entrance to Serbia remains in effect for all the foreign residents who stayed in China and South Korea, more precisely, the province of Hubei (China), the city of Daegu and the province of North Gyeongsang (South Korea).

Also, the temporary ban on entrance to Serbia remains in effect for foreign residents who stayed in Italy, Iran and Romania.

The measures do not pertain to the crews of freight vehicles carrying out international road transport, and in the case of a transit, the stay is limited to a period of 12 hours from the moment of entrance to the territory of Serbia.

The crews of ships transporting goods to Serbian ports are also exempt, whereas, in the case of transit routes, the stay is limited to 90 hours for boat systems and 60 hours for self-moving vessels for upstream sailing and 72 and 54 hours respectively for downstream sailing.

The crews of trains entering the zone of border stations determined by international agreements, as well as the crews of aircraft with Serbia as the final destination or in transit through Serbia's international airports, are exempt as well.

As said on the government's website, the measures will not apply to people who have been authorized to enter Serbia by the government's body consisting of representatives of the ministries of health, foreign affairs, internal affairs and construction, transport and infrastructure, as well as humanitarian convoys with a mandatory accompaniment defined through diplomatic means.
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