Vojvodina to learn from Israeli experience in field of water supply

Source: Beta Wednesday, 28.10.2009. 14:09

The President of the Executive Council of Vojvodina, Bojan Pajtić, said yesterday (October 26, 2009) that he had reached the agreement with the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Israel on transfer of Israeli experience in the field of water supply to the Serbian province.

He said at the meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture of Israel, Šal Simhon, in Belgrade that the experience in that field would be first transferred through pilot projects in Vojvodina and Mačva, but he did not specify what kind of projects those would be and when their realization might start.

Pajtić said that he had agreed with the representatives of Israeli Ministry of Agriculture on the organized arrival of investors from Israel at the Agriculturel Fair in Novi Sad in May 2010.

He explained that, on that occasion, the potential investors from Israel would be presented the potentials of Serbian agriculture, business environment and concrete projects they could take part in.

Pajtić reminded that two large Israeli companies operated in Vojvodina, and that they had invested 12m EUR and employed 140 people to the date, but he also pointed out that the potentials of cooperation between Serbian province and Israel were much bigger.

He introduced the guests from Israel to the employment stimulus measures of the Executive Council of Vojvodina and said that the potential investors from Israel would be granted 1,300 EUR worth of donation by the Provincial Government for every newly created job.

The Minister of Agriculture of Israel, Šal Simhon, estimated that the time was right for support and improvement of agriculture and agricultural technology in Serbia in the way it had been done in Israel.

He pointed out that he would do everything to encourage Israeli businessmen to come to Serbia and invest in it. Simhon invited Pajtić to visit Israel and attend the Water Fair next month, where he could have meetings with the businessmen who might invest in Vojvodina in the future.

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