Montenegro to get first public aquarium in May 2019

Source: RTCG Thursday, 14.12.2017. 12:23
Montenegro should get its first public aquarium, displaying the richness of the flora and fauna of the Adriatic Sea, in May 2019.

The aquarium will be located in the building of the Institute of Marine Biology in Kotor and have an educational role for school children in Montenegro and the region.

The amount of EUR 557,850 from the grant approved for the Institute of Marine Biology of the University of Montenegro by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway for the founding of the Marine Center for Preservation of Biodiversity – BOKAAQUARIUM is meant for these activities.

– The founding of the Marine Center for Preservation of Biodiversity – BOKAAQUARIUM will be of manifold importance for further development of the Institute of Marine Biology, especially in the segments of preservation, studying and protection of the Adriatic Sea – the Institute announced.

A fresh-water aquarium should also be installed on Lake Skadar, as part of the planned project activities through future cooperation with the National Parks of Montenegro.

– This will be a center for the protection of endangered sea flora and fauna species and experimental research in various fields of science – says the Institute of Marine Biology.
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