Chamber of Commerce of Serbia in favor of free flow of goods between Serbia and Kosovo and Metohia

Source: Tanjug Thursday, 01.01.1970. 15:17

- Chamber of Commerce of Serbia is in favor of absolutely free flow of goods between Serbia and Kosovo and Metohia, according to CEFTA agreement, because Serbia should not lose Kosovo as a market, which is desired by many - said the Manager of the Regional Cooperation Bureau of Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, Milivoje Miletić, yesterday (March 19, 2008).

At the meeting of the Board for chemical, pharmaceutical and rubber industry, Miletić reminded that UNMIK had signed the CEFTA agreement on behalf of the customs territory of Kosovo, pointing out that, after the problems that arose because of illegitimate decelaration of Kosovo's independence, the task force was formed with the task to establish economic sovereignty in the parts of Kosovo where people accept Serbia as their country.

According to his words, there should be no problems in trading with that area, but the problems arose because of the VAT return and everything is being done in order for double taxation to be avoided.
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