"Slovan-progres" signed contracts on export of juices to markets of Austria, Germany, Italy and Ukraine

Source: Tanjug Thursday, 01.01.1970. 15:12

Company "Slovan progres" from Selenča near Bač has represented its products at the International Agricultural Fair in Slovakian city of Njitri, where the most attention was attracted by organic juices of factory "Zdravo", which obtained some important certificates.

Manager of the company, Đuro Bocka, said that the greatest interest had been shown for the beet and apple juice that carry sign "organic" which are produced only in Selenča.

- Along with the presentation of the offer, sampling and direct negotiations, the contract was signed on export of juices to the markets of Austria, Germany, Italy and Ukraine - Bocka pointed out.

"Slovan-progres" was the only independent exhibitor from Serbia among about 100 exhibitors from about 50 countries at Agricultural Fair in Njitri.

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