Reconstruction of Belgrade City Museum to Start – Contractors Selected After Third Attempt, Job Worth RSD 5 Billion

Source: eKapija Monday, 15.05.2023. 09:39
The future look of the museum (Photo: Služba glavnog gradskog urbaniste)The future look of the museum
The Secretariat for Investments of the City of Belgrade has finally, after the third tender, awarded to the group of bidders whose bid was the most favorable one the job of reconstruction, extension and repurposing of the special-purpose facility at 40b Resavska Street into the Belgrade City Museum.

This job, worth slightly over RSD 5 billion, has been entrusted to the companies SMB-Gradnja PO Subotica, A.R.J Technology doo Novi Sad, YUMOL doo Subotica, Technosector doo Kragujevac, Credo doo Vranje and PARS doo Beograd.

As the decision on the awarding of the contract says, another two bids had been sent in response to the tender, and the “economically most favorable one” was selected.

Let us remind that the previous two public procurement procedures, which were opened last summer and the summer before that, were terminated, because, as said, no sent bid was acceptable.

The price of the job is now raised from the previous RSD 2.8 billion (around EUR 24 million) to RSD 4.2 billion (EUR 36.2 million), without the VAT.

Let us remind that, after the preliminary design for the Belgrade City Museum facility was selected in 2016, in February 2019, the next steps were taken for this cultural institution to get its building after 115 years. The urban project for the reconstruction, extension and repurposing of the facility at 40b Resavska Street was prepared by Centar za planiranje urbanog razvoja – CEP.
(Photo: Služba glavnog gradskog urbaniste)

The first floor is planned for permanent exhibitions in the part of the facility facing Bircaninova Street.

According to the project, the part facing Nemanjina Street will feature a depot of museum and study collections. The second floor, in the part facing Bircaninova Street, is planned for permanent exhibits and spaces for educational workshops with the accompanying sanitary rooms.

The part of the space facing Nemanjina Street is planned for a depot of paintings, sculptures and furniture. The loft is meant for the administration of the museum, the director and the side services.

The plan also includes the demolition of the central staircase oriented toward the yard, as well as the entrance staircase and a part of the gallery, in order to form a representative hall. The facility’s yard is integrated into the public rooms of the museum. The central motif of the yard is an archaeological lapidarium – a part of the museum’s outdoor exhibition. An exterior amphitheater with street furniture is also planned within the yard.

I. Z.

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